SMALP network

Contact us

Thanks for your interest in the SMALP community.

We are working with the developers and providers of the latest polymers and assays for membrane protein solubilization and analysis. We organize regular SMALP workshops and conferences, and share news and information with subscribers about once a month. Although polymer samples are no longer mailed out for free, there are starter kits to try a variety of polymers. Our conferences are a great place to obtain practical tips with 'ask the expert' sessions to share ideas, as well as to meet potential collaborators and people at the forefront of the field. We hope you'll join us at our next event and that this site is useful in the meantime.

This website is maintained on behalf of the SMALP team by:

Michael Overduin
Professor and Campus Alberta Innovates Program Chair
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
Medical Sciences Building Room 333
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7, Canada

Feel free to drop by, mail me at this address or using Michael at